My real life version of The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood…

A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.
— William Shakespeare
Sherri and I at my Sweet Sixteen birthday party.

Sherri and I at my Sweet Sixteen birthday party.

There is a quote that says something like friends are your chosen family. OMG, how true is that. Many of us wish we could trade some of our family members in for a new and improved version of the same person….or take an even more drastic approach…..lbvs. However friends are different. We get to choose who we want to create memories and experience life with. And if you’re lucky, you and your best friend will have chosen each other. I have been lucky to find mine.

Over 40 years of friendship, that’s a rare gift! That’s how long my best friend and I have been friends. We used to live across the street from each other when we were just little girls. Fun fact: We’re actually just six days apart (I’m older), and were born in the same hospital. Our mothers were also friends before we were born. After we met, we were virtually inseparable. Even though we never went to the same schools growing up, we managed to do everything together. Where you saw one, you saw the other. “Oh…that must be Sherri and DeAnne”, or “DeAnne and Sherri are behind this”. It was like we were looked at as one entity instead of two distinct people.

In our very early twenties…..

In our very early twenties…..

Most people usually think of best friends partying and going out all of the time, and the two of us have definitely done our share of that. From teenagers to young adult women, we had a great time traipsing Chicago´s party scene…partying from the north to the southside…(we didn’t party too much on the west side….but we had our fun everywhere else…lol.) However, the extraordinary part of our friendship can be seen where we have gone through life’s major trials and triumphs supporting each other even after I moved halfway across the world. You see, throughout our friendship, there have been countless times where even though we were separated because of various stages in our lives, and because of tremendous distance, we have always reconnected like we have never been apart, never missing a beat, and many, many times wearing nearly the same outfit at the same time! :-)

In our forties……..

In our forties……..

The cool fact is, we’ve just always been in sync. Even though I’ve been living in Europe for years, this has not lessened our friend/sistership in the slightest. In fact, it has grown. We have the best conversations via text, email, and through these apps such as Voxer, etc.., that can last for days. And even though we’ve been the greatest fiends for over 40 years, we still find out new things about each other, and we support the evolution and growth that we have experienced. It’s a rare thing to find a person to accept you as you grow and evolve…..with your evolving beliefs about the world and the people in it…..and we have spectacularly done this, without ever missing a beat.

I started this blog with a quote….so I´ll end it the same way…..with a quote I found on Pinterest. “ Some people just “click”. There aren’t many people in life that you just click with, and when you find those people, you just don’t let them go.”

Message to my BFF:

They hate us ‘cause the ain´t us. :-)))

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